May 16, 2017
Conflict and disagreement are inherent parts of human existence. The simple fact is that no matter how congenial and friendly and inclusive your organization is, problems should and will arise. The real question is how we respond to those problems. Maybe an employee chooses to say nothing, hoping the problem will go away, until their anger bottles up and bursts out one day. Then what happens? As an HR manager or the employees' supervisor, what strategies should you use to resolve the disagreement? How do you foster genuine empathy between employees and encourage either/one of them to offer true, full apologies - and what actually makes an apology true and full? Chris Sheesley, founder of In-Accord NW and a conflict management professional with over 25 years of experience, joins the podcast to discuss the ins and outs of conflict resolution and recommendations for responding to these all-common issues in the way that benefits everyone involved.
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